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What we do

We offer fixed price package deals that deliver actionable outcomes
in a fixed period of time by integrating a 100% dedicated team
into the client marketing set-up.


Fast, agile and responsive with full transparency
regarding costs and applied resources.


Efficient problem-solving without long-lasting contracts.

Outcome based approach vs. charging resource hours.


100% transparent, 100% dedicated, 100% results-driven.


In a collaborative workshop process, we develop the brand mission, brand values, stakeholder groups & KPIs, as well as the concentrated brand idea and brand promise.


For any organisation who wants to enter a new market with a new product or service, or who wants to reinvent itself for a new audience.


Creating a lead creative idea / campaign platform or creative sprints for tactical communications which all can be immediately transferred to all channels.


For clients who want to be moving quickly into asset production and publishing comms material.


Implementation of the brand and creative strategy. Based on the core idea, all the necessary advertising materials are developed and produced, according to media plan.


For those who need quality ready-made comms material for various channels.

Über mich

About us

Byrd by Byrd is about commitment to a new “normal”. We blocked the road to going “back to how things were” Why? Because it wasn’t working anymore.


So how do you change a system that has a long-standing history?

You do it step by step – or like we say: Byrd by Byrd.


Byrd by Byrd is based on the philosophy that you can only reach your goal by solving each task, each obstacle, one challenge at a time. By starting with the most important questions then, moving on, till the goal is reached.


Bringing the best people and skills together for each task keeps us flexible, agile and focussed. We work – remotely and face to face – with amazing creatives, strategists, producers and project managers who will come together to tell your story the right way.


So, give us a V-Call, a non-visual one or drop us a mail to hear more about the way we work or to put us to the test.


We would love to hear from you,


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